Apr 19, 2012

Baked Cheese Grits P&Qs

Post date: 5/1/12
Host: Lisa of Gourmified


  1. Anyone have trouble finding stoneground grits like me? Six stores later and I settled on the instant grits...though I'm still going to look.

  2. I was able to find stoneground grits at Trader Joe's. They just started carrying them a month or two ago. Sooooooo delicious!

  3. I had troule finding them as well, finally found mine at TJ's, $3 for a big bag :)

  4. Aw man! I wish I had a TJ's where I live. I LOVE grits!

  5. Okay folks. I've got the recipe up should anyone want to link to it! www.gourmified.com!

  6. I just tried the baked grits.
    Very bland. This dish definitely needs something to perk it up.
    To begin with, I'll increase the grits to 1 1/4 cup and double the salt and pepper to 2 tsp. each.

    As for what to add -- I'm thinking A-1 or Worcestershire, definitely bacon bits on top with the cheese topping and maybe even inside, too.

    What do you all think?

